Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 5

Before we get into everything about today ... I forgot something exciting from last nights adventure to Tuscon! On our way we, along with everyone else on 10 West got stopped by US Customer and Boarder. The conversation w/ the patrol went:

Patrol: Are you both American citizens?
Austin: Yes
Patrol: Where are you coming from?
Austin: Ft. Worth
Patrol: Have a nice day ..

So he didn't ask for identification or anything! It was an interesting experience :)

We woke up with the sun shining and an awesome 75 degrees.We got on the road a little later today ... around 11:00 AM. We headed back East to go to Tombstone. It is a pretty cool town ... we got to walk around for a little over an hour. Recon was welcome in the town and although most shops allow dogs - we didn't do any shopping.

We got back in the car and headed West back towards Tucson. We stopped at a state park called Colassal Cave State Park. We spent about 30 minutes exploring and letting Recon run around off leash.

On our way back to the high way we took some pictures of the sunset and a train :) Enjoy!

We got back on the road and arrived in Phoenix around 7 PM. We grabbed a bite to eat and a beer at the restaurant in the hotel.

So a very simple day ... but tomorrow is the Grand Canyon!


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